tany vao
Tany Vao is a multidisciplinary project aimed at improving the health conditions and quality of life of the inhabitants of Ampanitsoha and Bevaoko on the island of Nosy Mitsio (Madagascar) through targeted actions in the areas of Agriculture, WASH and nutrition.
Fondazione Peppino Vismara
8×1000 Chiesa Valdese
H4O, Help for Optimism Onlus (project leader)
700 direct
2500 indirect
24 months
(Sep2021 – Sep2023)
the problem
On the island of Gran Mitsio, located 35 miles off the northwest coast of Madagascar, lack of primary services and food insecurity make the population vulnerable from health, social and environmental perspectives.
The inhabitants’ main sources of livelihood are related to fishing and livestock farming (for sale only) and the cultivation of rice and maize during the rainy season. Food resources are mostly imported from the main island, leading to high costs, low food self-sufficiency and a poorly diversified nutritional diet. Therefore, almost the entire population on the island is subject to chronic malnutrition.
In addition, limited access to potable water (30%) makes the population particularly vulnerable from a health perspective.
main objective
General improvement of the quality of life and health conditions of two rural communities on the island of Nosy Mitsio through integrated and multidisciplinary activities in the Food Security & Nutrition and WASH sectors.
specific objectives
- Increasing access to clean water.
- Achieving food self-sufficiency and consequent reduction of malnutrition status.
- Capacity building and kwoledge sharing of skills and tools for self-reliant and inclusive resource management.
- Raising awareness of the population with respect to sustainable methods and virtuous behaviors to follow.
The activities
Through collaboration with various partners, the Tany Vao project has triggered a virtuous cycle in which targeted actions on nutrition, agriculture, and clean water have contributed to improving the living conditions of rural communities in Ampanitsoha and Bevaoko.
AGriculture and nutrition
NGO: Kukula Onlus
Beneficiaries: 36 families
- Assessment of the health conditions of the target population (Università degli studi di Pavia)
- Data collection on local food habits
- Implementation of 16 vegetable gardens managed by local families
- Capacity building for women on agricultural activities
NGO: H4O, Help for Optimism Onlus
Beneficiaries: 36 families
- Upgrading of the water infrastructure with expansion of catchment basins from source and installation of new taps around the village
- Installation of solar pumps for the irrigation of the vegetable gardens
NGO: H4O, Help for Optimism and Kukula Onlus
Beneficiari: 70 families
Workshops and activities to raise awareness on environmental and resource management, sanitation, health and nutrition issues
Training sessions for the local staff about the management and maintenance of the water infrastructures and gardens (Training of Trainers)
Establishment of committees for participatory resource management (Community Management Committee)